Think about the ads that have stuck with you through the years, sometimes replaying in your head for no apparent reason.
Chances are, at least some feature 1-800 numbers that spell out words. Why? Because they’re designed to be memorable. Consumers are 75 percent more likely to remember vanity 1-800 numbers than numeric toll-free numbers, and 58 percent more likely to retain them than URLs, says 2011 research by 800Response.com. Neuroscientists explain such short-term memories are switched to long-term when linked in our brains to something meaningful or something we already know, reads a report by Craig Borowski on hello-operator/softwareadvice.com. And that’s why they pay off for businesses, joining such advantages as portability, the creation of a nationwide presence and the ability to make your company seem larger and more credible. In RingSquared case studies, such numbers have led to 25 percent increase of calls.
Tips for choosing the most effective 1-800 numbers for your business:
– The 1-800 prefix is still the most widely recognized by consumers, as this toll-free format was introduced in the late 1960s. Since then, demand has led to the addition of 888, 877, 866 and 855.
– Consider incorporating words, repeated numbers or a combination. Some studies suggest words without numbers are easiest to remember. Choose words that clearly communicate your business function or advertising message, i.e. 1-800-running or 1-800-run-hard for a running shoe store. Repeating words is another option (i.e. 1-800-1-run-run). You may add extra letters or digits that don’t actually dial but reinforce your message (i.e. 1-800-run-shoes).
– Think about whether word sends the right message, and whether it will continue to fit your business as it grows and evolves.
– Avoid the letters Q and Z, since they don’t exist on some older phones. Also avoid abbreviations or alternate spellings.
– Consider different numbers for different departments or PPC campaigns; the latter can help determine which advertising variables work best for you.
– Think about how memorable imagery and/or music might be incorporated into advertising for your ads. For example, the zeroes could represent faces in print ads if you’re a makeup distributor. Could you use the number in a radio jingle, or repeat it in a TV ad?
– Could you match the number with a domain name for cross-media marketing? Start with the phone number and choose something creative to increase chances of availability.
– Practice dialing the number to rate pattern and complexity of finger movement.
– Google the number to determine whether and when it’s been used, and whether you’ll field wrong numbers as a result.
Finally, compare services before buying. Common variables among vendors include cost, contract length, minute plans and smartphone apps.
“Numbers are abstract concepts — without a context, they don’t have meaning,” concludes Borowski. “Vanity telephone numbers address this problem by incorporating meaning directly into the number. By simply using a little creativity when selecting the number and advertising it, your business can find one your customers will remember and dial more often.”
Request a demo of RingSquared’s vanity numbers by logging on to https://www.ringsquared.com/start/.