
Make it ring: Mobile-searched businesses cry out for call marketing

Mobile-searched businesses cry out for call marketing

If your customers are likely to find you by searching for your type of business via mobile, you should be optimizing call marketing.

The same applies if customers frequently call you to seek information, and you wish to remove all barriers from that process.

There’s never been a better time to take advantage of the immense power of the smartphone. Some 77 percent of Americans 18 and older now own the handy little gadgets, spending an average 87 hours a month browsing on them. That helps explain why 58 percent of all online searches are now conducted via mobile, and why mobile ad spending nationwide is expected to hit $65.8 billion by 2019.

Many tradesmen and other service providers have already gotten wise to the benefits of placing mobile ads that allow potential customers to simply click a button to call them. Not only do customers on the phone convert 10 times more often than those seeking your information online, but such inbound marketing allows you to gather vital metrics about callers that can be optimized for further ad strategy. Call marketing makes it easier than ever to determine the ROI of your campaign and re-funnel dollars into the venues, techniques, copy, images and designs doing the most good for your business.

Consider how the following industries may be underutilizing call marketing techniques:

  • Private health care, cosmetic surgery and dental clinics: These segments have traditionally relied on TV, magazine and newspaper advertising that provides negligible ROI. But because most customers must call them to set appointments, they’re bound to profit from mobile ads making them ultra-easy and efficient. Of course, new clients in these fields are imminently valuable from a revenue standpoint.
  • Colleges: New students frequently have multiple questions that are easiest to answer over the phone, and their value can also be extremely high.
  • Lawyers, finance consultants and insurance firms: Initial consultations with these industry specialists tend to start by phone because they require explanation and/or in-depth discussion. Remove barriers by placing targeted click-to-call ads on mobile, ensuring a friendly voice on the other end can reassure callers and set up further appointments.
  • E-commerce companies: In addition to stellar conversion rates from callers, online stores can optimize caller data to create better, more strategic ad campaigns. Pay-per-call campaigns can be implemented to optimize searches for very specific merchandise, such that the retailer only pays for calls resulting from hyper-targeted ads.
  • Automotive businesses: Car dealerships, tire retailers and car repair services are all very dependent on local mobile searches, and should be placing ads to capitalize. Car franchises often drive leads through geo-targeted PPC.
  • Travel, leisure and hospitality businesses: A certain segment of the population prefers booking flights and accommodations by phone rather than online, often because they have questions or special requests.
  • Cable, internet, utility and computer services providers: New customers often prefer to call (rather than communicate digitally) because they have technical or logistical questions.
  • Florists and gift basket vendors: Many such customers conduct searches first; because they buy so infrequently, they’re unsure who to patronize. Snag them with prominent ads, then be ready to close the sale. Ensure you’re not missing leads by forming an around-the-clock strategy.