
Let’s talk marketing attribution: in-house call tracking results


It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that at RingSquared we use call tracking in our own marketing campaigns.  We walk the walk behind the strong belief that talking with prospects and customers is the ultimate in personalization.  We also live and breathe by the importance of having accurate marketing attribution to understand how many new leads and customers our spend generates for the business development team.

Something that sets RingSquared apart from our competitors is that our clients aren’t another software login.  For almost 30 years, we’ve gone above and beyond our call tracking and analytics software, and pick up the phone to talk with our customers.  We discuss business goals, upcoming campaigns and how we can optimize their tracking, routing and reporting.  It’s this level of personalization that connects us to our customers and creates long lasting partnerships.

From a business development perspective, when we answer an inbound call, they are much more likely to turn into a customer than an online lead.  They’re also more likely to become a longer lasting, higher revenue account because they’ll learn about additional  tools and features available to optimize their account.

Talking with inbound leads via the phone is a bi-directional, live, personalized experience that can’t be recreated by automation, bots or AI. When you’re on the phone, you receive instant feedback, can answer important questions and respond in real-time.  Through inbound calls, you learn more about client business goals and identify strategies to help them reach their objectives.  It goes without saying we’re super fans of the inbound call, and here are some findings from our own marketing results that support the importance of the inbound call and call tracking attribution:

You might be surprised to learn how many calls  your Google Ads are generating

In 2019, RingSquared’s Google Adwords generated almost 1:1 volume of inbound calls and online leads!
423 PPC Inbound Calls and 460 Web Form Leads


People want to talk to you about your products and services.

Inbound calls made up 64% of all new leads in 2019

754 web form leads vs. 1,344 Inbound Calls


Track calls from Search PPC to get accurate attribution on your advertising spend

Before tracking calls from our Google AdWords, we had a $133 CPL (cost per lead)

Now that we track calls generated from PPC,  our CPL has adjusted to: $69

Web Leads Only CPL: $133 | Calls + Web Leads CPL: $69


Your Inbound Calls are Valuable

Our incoming calls created 16% more accounts than PPC web leads

Accounts from new, inbound calls generated 21% more revenue than online leads

 (Incoming calls vs. online lead sources of organic, ppc, web direct) 

73% of all new revenue in 2019 is attributed from inbound calls
(Lead sources: Incoming calls, referrals, personal network)

Phone Driven Revenue: 73%  |  Online web form Account Revenue: 17%