
Benefits of Call Data Integrations

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  4. Benefits of Call Data Integrations

When you want to see how your business is doing, look up a customer’s history, or see how many calls you got from a new ad, how many programs do you need to open? Switching back and forth between multiple screens and apps all day long takes more time and effort that it would if your data was integrated into fewer spots – saving you time and providing a analysis of your company.

Integrate Your Call Data for a Clearer Look at Your Business

The biggest benefit of integrating your data is how much easier it is to view and analyze records. By compiling data from multiple sources you create detailed, comprehensive records with more information than any single source. What can this look like for your business?

First, it helps you create detailed customer records for better support and service. The more your agents know about the customer they are interacting with, the better they can understand who they are and how to help them. Your call data can help fill in customer records so you can quickly see how many times they’ve called, what they’ve called about, purchases from those calls, and more.

Second, those detailed customer records can act as customer behavior data to create customer profiles – these profiles help you plan and target marketing campaigns to attract specific groups of customers. This helps you see the impact of your marketing campaigns and increases their ROI.

Make it easier than ever to see and analyze your business information by automatically integrating data where you need it.

What Types of Programs can You Integrate With?

Call data can be integrated into many common business programs! Some of our most popular options include:

  • CRM software, for creating customer records & updating customer records so you can track how many times a customer calls and where their calls are routed
  • Sales software, for associating customer call records with their purchase history so you can quickly see what they’ve called about and purchased in the past
  • Marketing programs & reporting software, so you can attribute calls & conversions to the correct landing page, print ad, or direct response campaign
  • Call centers and multi-site businesses, who need to compile data from multiple agents and call centers into a single report

When it comes time to set up the actual integrations, we have several options for you depending on the call data you want and how you want to set it up.

What Integration Options Do You Have?

We have three types of data integrations:

If you choose to use one of our pre-built integrations, you’ll have several options:

These pre-built integrations can be customized when you’re setting them up by selecting different data filters; you also control the destination and the delivery type, so your integration will work with a wide variety of setups.

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