
RingSquared Desktop App Quick Start Guide

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  5. RingSquared Desktop App Quick Start Guide
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  3. The New RingSquared UCaaS
  4. RingSquared Desktop App Quick Start Guide

Welcome to the RingSquared desktop app, where you can make and receive calls to your business number right from your computer. This introductory guide will walk you through the most important features so you can start making calls and sending messages right away.

The RingSquared desktop app has several main sections:

If you are looking for information on a specific feature or setting, click any of those linked sections to jump directly to that part of this quick start guide.

Download the RingSquared Desktop App Quick Start Guide (PDF)
Download the RingSquared Desktop App Quick Start Guide (PDF)

Before you begin, please make sure you have downloaded and installed the RingSquared desktop app onto your computer.

The Contacts Tab

The contacts tab contains all your saved contacts for easy access. Depending on how your RingSquared account was set up, your contacts will include:

  • Contacts you have created in the desktop app
  • Contacts you have created in the mobile app
  • Contacts you have created in the online management portal
  • Contacts from a corporate directory

RingSquared Desktop Contact Record Tab

Calling a Contact

There are several ways you can call an existing contact from your list.

When you mouse over a name in your contact list a phone icon will show. Call that contact by clicking this phone icon.

Make a Call From Your Contact List

Or you can go into the contract record by clicking on their name, and then click the phone icon on their record. If they have more than one number available (for example, a work number and a cell phone number), you can select the number you wish to call from the drop-down menu.

Make a Call from a RingSquared Contact Record

Create a New Contact

To add a new contact in the desktop app, follow these steps:

Step 1. Click the green + button, which is under your avatar in the left menu.

RingSquared Desktop App Menu

Step 2. From the options, click Add Contact.

Add a New Contact in RingSquared

Step 3. This will pop up a new window to enter in all your new contact’s information. Fill this out with their name, phone number, etc.

Fill in a New Contact Record

Step 4. When you are done, click Add to save your new contact.

Save Your New Contact Record

Navigating a Contact Record

When you click into a contact record, you will see two tabs: Conversation and Contact Details.

The Conversation Tab: This shows your message history with this contact. To send a message, type your text into the Send a Message text box at the bottom of the screen.

RingSquared Desktop Contact Record Tab

The Contact Details Tab: This shows all the contact information you have for this contact.

RingSquared Desktop Contact Details Tab

Favorite a Contact: Click the star icon next to the contact name to set them as a favorite, adding them to a short list of your more important contacts. Once added as a favorite, they will be grouped together at the top of your contacts list for easy access.

Favorite a Contact in RingSquared

Notify When Available: If you want to be notified when a specific contact is online and available for calls or chat, click the bell icon next to the contact’s name. When their presence is set to Online, you will be notified.

Be Alerted when a Contact goes Online

Edit or Delete a Contact: To edit or delete a contact, click the … button in the top right of the contact record. This will open a menu of options. Click on edit to update their contact information, or delete to remove the contact.

Edit or Delete a Contact

Pop Out Conversation: If you wish to view your conversation history in a new window, click the … button in the top right of the contact record and then click on Pop Out Conversation.

Pop Out Conversation in RingSquared

Contact Presence

Presence makes it easy for you to see if a contact is available or busy before you call or message them. Someone’s presence information is visible when looking at your contact list, or when on their contact record.

RingSquared default presence options:

  • Online
  • Busy
  • Do Not Disturb

Your presence shows as offline when you are logged out of RingSquared, and Online when you are logged in and available. After 15 minutes of no activity, your status will change to away (you can change the time limit on this by going to the Chat tab in the settings and increasing or decreasing the amount of time).

To Set Your Status: Choose from the default options by clicking on your avatar, then click on your current status. This will open a menu with the Online, Busy, and Do Not Disturb options. Clicking Open Call Manager will open the online management portal in a new Internet browser tab.

Choose Your RingSquared Presence Setting

You can also create a custom presence status by clicking Set Custom Status. This opens a new screen where you can enter in your status (100-character limit).

Create a Custom Status in RingSquared

The Calls Tab

This tab shows your call history. Click on a call from the list to see your call history with that contact.

RingSquared Desktop App Calls Tab

If they are not already a contact, click the Add as a Contact button to create a new contact for this caller.

Add as a Contact in RingSquared

You can call this contact by clicking the phone icon in the top right corner, or add them as a new contact by clicking the … button and selecting +Add as a Contact.

Call from a Call Record in RingSquared

Making a Call

In addition to calling a contact from their contact record or the call history, you can always dial a number by typing it in to the Search or Dial Number bar or by opening the number pad and clicking Call.

Dial a Call with the RingSquared Desktop App

Receiving a Call

When you receive a call, a new window will pop up. If you know the contact, their name will show matching their contact record. If they are a new contact, their number will show instead.

Receiving an Inbound Call in the RingSquared Desktop App

Call Actions

When you make a call, or you answer an inbound call, a new window pop up with the call. From here you have several actions you can take:

  • Add another participant to the call
  • Transfer the call
  • Place the call on hold
  • Start a video call
  • Adjust the speaker volume or mute yourself
  • Adjust the sound volume
  • Open the number pad
  • Switch devices
  • Record the call
  • Or hang up by clicking the red phone icon

Call Actions in the RingSquared Desktop App

The Chat Tab

This tab shows your chat history with your contacts. You can see your chat conversations and the participants in them by clicking on a chat to open the record.

RingSquared Desktop App Chat Tab

From here you can view the conversation, or click the Participants tab to see the current members of the chat. Click the Add a Participant button on add someone else to your conversation, leave the conversation by clicking the Leave button next to your name, or remove other members by clicking the Remove button next to their name.

View Chat Participants in RingSquared

The Voicemail Tab

Clicking on the voicemail icon in the menu opens up your RingSquared online management portal. From here you can listen to voicemail messages, record your voicemail greeting, and more.

RingSquared Desktop App Voicemail Tab

Learn more about your RingSquared UCaaS voicemail.

Updating Your Settings

To open the settings for the RingSquared desktop app, click on your avatar at the top of the lefthand menu and select Settings.

Open Your RingSquared App Settings

From here you can mute sounds, change your avatar, change your password, and update settings. The settings options include:

  • General features, like the ringtone and language
  • Calls, including using RingSquared to make calls from your computer
  • Chat, where you can update the time you’re inactive before your status goes to Away
  • Audio, where you can adjust your microphone and speaker settings
  • Video, where you can connect a camera

RingSquared Desktop App Settings

Questions for Our Team?

This article walks you through the most commonly used features to get you started in the RingSquared desktop app. If you have any questions about using the RingSquared app, or other RingSquared features not covered here, please contact the RingSquared support team to create an online ticket or call 800-427-Ring.

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