
How do I Park a call on a Mitel Phone?

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  5. How do I Park a call on a Mitel Phone?

How Do I Park a call on a Mitel Phone?

Perform the following steps to park a call that can be retrieved from any other phone in your organization.

To the party on the parked call, the experience is the same as being “on hold.” Once the call is parked, the line on your phone which was used to handle the call is available again.

IP 400 Series Phones

  1. While on an active call, press the Park soft key.
  2. Dial any 4-digit code or extension number (make note of it so the parked call can be retrieved).
  3. Press the Park soft key once more.

Cisco 7900 Series Phones

  1. While on an active call, press the More soft key.
  2. Press the Park soft key, which displays the parked call on the screen of the phone.
  3. While the call is parked, the Answer (unpark call) and Ignore (keep call parked) soft keys appear which can be pressed to perform that action.
Get More Information on RingSquared VoIP Phones

If you have any additional questions about your Mitel phones from RingSquared, please contact the RingSquared support team or call 800-427-Ring.

Connecting a new IP phone? This guide walks you through setting up your new phone and connecting it to RingSquared.

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