
How do I Add and Manage Extensions?

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  5. How do I Add and Manage Extensions?
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Only business group administrators can reset and unlock users passwords.

Add a New Extension

  1. Log into CommPortal as an administrator.
  2. Click on the “Extensions” link in the left menu.
  3. Click the Add or Add Range buttons. (You can add a consecutive range of extensions to a set of telephone numbers)
  4. Type in the extension and the telephone number you want associated and hit Add.

Change an Extension

  1. Navigate to the extensions page.
  2. Click on the phone number or extension want to change.
  3. Update the extension and click save.

Delete an Extension

  1. Navigate to the extensions page.
  2. Click the checkbox on the extension to be deleted.
  3. Click the “Delete Selected” button.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the RingSquared support team or call 800-427-Ring.

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