In addition to setting your own person voicemail box greetings, you can also update the greeting messages played by your RingSquared auto attendant (either a premium or easy attendant). Follow the steps below to log into your auto attendant and record a new voicemail message.
Auto Attendant Greetings
Auto attendant greeting are used to share business information and help direct callers to their correct destination. If your business information changes – for example, new business hours – you will want to update your auto attendant’s voicemail greeting with that new information.
Please Note:
If you are dialing from your RingSquared UCaaS seat, you need to press * to log out of your personal voicemail first and then enter the phone number and PIN for the auto attendant.
How to Record a New Voicemail Greeting for a Premium Attendant
Step 1. Call this number to change your RingSquared auto attendant voicemail and recordings: 844-778-2220.
Step 2. When prompted, enter the phone number and PIN for your premium auto attendant. If you need to change your PIN, please contact customer support.
Step 3. Select option 1: Premium Attendant Configuration.
Step 4. Select option 2: Edit Announcements.
Step 5. Enter the greeting number you would like to record from the options provided.
Step 6. Select option 2 to rerecord your new greeting.
Step 7. Once you are done, enter # to save the new recording.
How to Record a New Voicemail Greeting for an Easy Attendant
Step 1. Call this number to change your RingSquared auto attendant voicemail and recordings: 844-778-2220.
Step 2. When prompted, enter the phone number and PIN for your premium auto attendant. If you need to change your PIN, please contact customer support.
Step 3. Select option 1: Easy Attendant Configuration.
Step 4. Select option 2: Edit Announcements for Business Hours, or select Option 3: Edit Announcements for Non-business Hours.
Step 5. Select option 2 to rerecord your new greeting.
Step 6. Once you are done, enter # to save the new recording.
Questions for Our Team?
This article walks you through the steps to update your auto attendant voicemail greeting. If you have any questions about the RingSquared UCaaS not covered here, please contact the RingSquared support team to create an online ticket or call 800-427-Ring.